The Role Of Western Expansion In The Nineteenth Century

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Western expansion took the United States by storm during the early years of the nineteenth century. Many people were in search for a bigger and better life following the victory in the Revolutionary War. They knew that land was available if they were willing to leave everything they have ever known behind. Americans were looking for answers about the newly independent nation in which they lived. One of the first steps in extending the United States was taken by Thomas Jefferson and his role in the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson, as well as many of his supporters, was motivated and optimistic to take control of the United States from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Jefferson’s era was determined to work toward achieving a goal that would later become known as “Manifest Destiny”. The Louisiana Purchase occurred in 1803 when Thomas Jefferson bought approximately800, 000 square miles of territory from French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, for $15 million dollars. This deal was a victory…show more content…
They set out on an eight thousand mile trek to find new discoveries, especially an available water route to the Pacific Ocean. However, along their journey, they found many species unknown to the common man, a bundle of Indian tribes who were native to those areas, and a mountain range the limited their ability to get to the Pacific. When they met up with the Native American tribes, they were introduced to a whole new culture. The two men had to work to understand their beliefs and rituals, and they attempted to negotiate treaties to peacefully coexist. During these encounters, Lewis and Clark met up with an Indian woman, Sacajawea, who was revered as the symbol of peace. They recorded these unfamiliar yet significant meetings and gave Americans a feel of what lied to the West, which would eventually open doors for conflict in the years

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