The Responsibility Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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Man of inconsistency, brave Odysseus, was perhaps too brave, too confident at times in his own sporadic abilities and certainly lacking at others. His hubris is often his downfall, and he becomes confident and unconfident in cycles, rash and cautious in an alternating pattern. When he is more timid, he is more cautious, capable fabricating some brilliant plan that can undoubtedly succeed. When it does indeed succeed, he becomes overly rash and impetuous, indulging in the pride of his own accomplishments. This hubris causes Odysseus to become too high and mighty in his own mind to think of a plan or be careful, and the next important decision to make is sure to be rash, crushing his ego and forcing him to be more reasonable. This cycle repeats, looping throughout…show more content…
He rashly taunts the Cyclops; yet he cautiously plans a rescue of his men from Circe. He rashly stays for a year, partying and drinking; yet he cautiously plans the next voyage to the world of the dead. He rashly hides the true nature of Scylla from his men; yet he cautiously tells them to stay from the herds of Helios. Odysseus, who renounced his gods at Troy, who cries for seven years, is even inconsistent in his hubris, only holding his bravado when he has recently done something that deserves pride. The most extreme portrayal of arrogance is the aforementioned escape from the Cyclops, where Odysseus let his excessive pride and emotion get the better of him and taunts the Cyclops. He often blames his own mistakes on his men, accusing them of being mutinous and rebellious. “Then I urged them to cut and run, set sail, / but would they listen? Not those mutinous fools” (9, 50-51). Losing control of his men, to protect his pride, Odysseus raises himself up by lowering his men in his own mind. Again, when he deprives his men of information regarding the bag of winds, he accuses them of distrusting him, when they had every right

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