Telemachus And Adulthood In Homer's Odyssey

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Telemachy and Adulthood Within ancient Greek society and Homer’s Odyssey, we see clear indications of what it means to be an adult. Such characteristics include achieving kleos - glory - and having the confidence, leadership, courage, and determination shown in the attributes of the other male adults within the epic poem. Most men are characterized as such because they have achieve some form of glory, kleos, through war or great deeds. Moreover, they show courage and confidence in the face of challenges. Becoming an adult means that you must be able to have leadership and defending what is rightfully yours. Thus, with confidence and courage, men assert their own power to protect what is rightfully his, whether property or family. In no other character do we see these characteristics portrayed than in Telemachus, a young…show more content…
Before Athena leaves Telemachus, she inspires him and brings out the man within. Athena... left his spirit filled with nerve and courage,/ charged with his father's memory more than ever now. / He felt his sense quicken.... he knew it well made at once/... / a man like a god himself.” (1.369-373). Telemachus, himself, felt a stirring within him. He felt a newfound confidence that propelled him to implement the advice Mentor gave - to set out to find news about his father. He goes through a rapid transformation and begins his journey to save his father. Athena’s words also transform Telemachus into becoming more assertive and directive. When he sees his mother, he takes on more responsibility as the head male figure of the household and assumes this role with confidence. So, mother, go back to your quarters. Tend to your own tasks, the distaff and the loom, and keep the women working hard as well. As for giving orders, men will see to that, but I most of all: I hold the reins of power in this house

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