Emperor Meiji Research Paper

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In the modern world Today , Japan has become one of the most successful countries in the world. None of this would have come to fruition if it wasn’t for the revolutionary ideas of a 14 year old boy Emperor Meiji.The Meiji Restoration(1868-1914) was a period which changed Japan both economically, socially and politically forever. Pretty good. Firstly, Emperor Meiji changed how Japan viewed politics. Emperor Meiji made a revolutionary change in power from the "dictatorship" of the Tokugawa Bafuku into the Constitutional Monarchy which formed a bicameral( a legislative body having two branches or chambers.) Government which finally gave the nation a voice, this which left a positive impact on the people of Japan. “The government also…show more content…
Emperor Meiji allowed his subjects to have freedom of choice in their lives. This was a positive revolutionary change to the people of Japan. They didn’t have to follow a career that was chosen for them. Japan also introduced a new educational system which was available to everyone. Emperor Meiji placed a strong emphasis on improving the standard of education. In a statement the Emperor stated that “knowledge shall be sought throughout the world so as to strengthen the foundations of imperial rule". (About Japan 2012) Students began traveling overseas to North America and Europe to study. The Ministry of Education was established in 1871 by the government. It was mandatory that all Japanese children must have at least 4 years of primary school. This led to more primary, secondary and tertiary schools being built. By In 1906 around 95% of Japanese children had received a primary education. Since As Japan broke the closed country policy as a part of the curriculum they introduced western subjects such as Mathematics, English and Science were taught in schools. “The government closely monitored the schools, making sure that in addition to skills like mathematics and reading, they learnt about good values. Traditional Japanese values for boys and girls differed” (Asia for Educators Columbia University”).Along with the new subjects all students studied "moral…show more content…
As the emperor went into power the government made many different Industries to help expand their economy, with industries such as communications, shipping and 53 consumer industries like food, glass production and chemical production. While these industries made good money they cost a lot to keep going so in 1880 the government they decided to sell most of the industries to private investors with the bonus of attractive subsidies and incentives along with the purchase which appealed to many investors and quickly sold all of them. This would eventually evolve into stock exchange which in today’s society is highly important and keeps the economy going and industries open. Although the economy remained dependent on agriculture, industrialization was the primary goal of the government, which directed the development of strategic industries (Britannica School high, in 1871, the government freed farmers from restrictions on land use, allowing them to grow crops of their choice which led to stuff like wheat, soybeans, barley and much more. In 1872, it granted people the right to buy and sell land. The government invested in agriculture, establishing agricultural colleges, providing farmers with technical advice. By 1890, agricultural production was almost double what it had been in 1873 – up 175%. By 1900 it was up 228 percent from where it had been in 1873.As a result of Japan great

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