Why Would People With Tattoos Be Treated Differently?

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Before I start, why would people with tattoos be discriminated and be treated differently? And why is it that there is so much controversy about these innocent ink markings on the skin? It maybe because today’s trend has not quite been accepted by the older generation. It is a social norm that people with tattoos are bad. Throughout the years we have discovered ways in which to express our beliefs, our ideas, and our passions. We live in a world that we are told that self-expression is a positive thing but people with tattoos are still being treated negatively which is a contradiction. There are many reasons behind why people get tattoos. The world is getting more connected and as most leaders want diverse, and people who think differently. We should all express ourselves the way we are and correct the stereotypes. When…show more content…
But as we expect diverse people with different skills, appearance should not be the main thing or companies should not discriminated against people with ink at all. So the stereotyping people based upon their appearance is wrong, but ultimately, I want to remind millennials that it is their own decision whether if he or she would want to take on the battle when there are so many more important ones to fight. Despite the misconceptions some companies have, there are jobs and companies that actually accept and even welcome those who have body art today. Tattoos are popular in the creative arts such as music, painting, acting, athletic, and culinary fields. And since many companies are seeking to appeal to a younger child, tattoos could be seen as a benefit and the world is getting more connected and is becoming global, companies should be more tolerant of the tattoos if they want to stay relevant. Therefore, we all should not stop correcting the

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