The Pros And Cons Of Patent Protection

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The Protection: The major reason of patent is to protect new product or innovative idea but it must be translated to written or to physical item to protect it from unwanted copying. Also, a Patent owner obtains a regional monopoly right of use for a restricted period. At the same instance, patents are an important source of information that has a high value, since the novelty of an invention to become a good motivation for further innovations. If you are the owner of a patent you can take advantage of your invention to yourself and protect an exclusive position on the marketplace, or you can license or sell your patent to other interested. Patent protection supports the position of an enterprise in the international market and is an important site factor. The patent folder of a company is a precious asset and exposes the innovative potential of a company or an individual creator.…show more content…
Patents will not be donated to scientific hypothesis or numerical technique; additional examples consist of surgical or curative ways. A set of non-patentable topics is recorded in Article (4.2) of the Patent Law. Software programs are not protected under Patent Law but are protected under Copyright Law. As well as, the Patent Law distinguishes the Obligatory Licensing principle permitting the government to offer a third party the right to take advantage of inventions or procedures that are protected by patents, without the permission of the discoverer. However, there are specific conditions that have to be met up. First of all, an interested third party may only apply for required licensing after three years of the patent donating date. The third party can only apply under these three

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