The Pros And Cons Of Nappy War

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I mentioned earlier, that Dr Linda Sonna is among the critics of Brazelton's approach in the US and I also mentioned John Rosemond, who is probably the strongest and most outspoken authority and evaluator of what Brazelton had been promoting since the 60s. The term “Nappy War”, as explained above, refers to a controversy between T. Berry Brazelton and John Rosemond who is a syndicated columnist and best-selling author of books for parents. The controversy is about the length of time a baby should wear diapers and when to start toilet training. Rosemond believes it is a "slap to the intelligence of a human being that one would allow baby to continue soiling and wetting himself past age 2." Brazelton disagrees with the idea: "Don't rush your toddler into toilet training or let anyone else tell you it's time. It's got to be his choice."…show more content…
I remembered this statement when I was looking today at Google for more information about infant toilet training and I found many websites providing informations about how to house-train your puppy. As far as Rosemond’s statement is concerned, Brazelton claims that there is more to it than that. Parents who force toilet training, he says, can cause lasting problems. It's got to be his choice. As mentioned earlier Brazelton advised recently in a television commercial for Pampers "Size 6" diapers, suitable for children 35 pounds and over." Over the past few decades, the age at which toddlers stop needing diapers has been moving upward. In 1957, studies found that 92 percent of children were toilet trained by 18 months. Today, according to a large-scale Philadelphia study, that figure has dropped to less than 25 percent. Only 60 percent of children have achieved mastery of the toilet by 36 months, the study found, and 2 percent remain untrained at

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