Unethical accountancy practices, immoral persuasion tactics, and a culture that bred pure evil are simple ways to describe a cult-like organization; Enron is a great example of how the leadership and business practices can mimic that of a cult. Cult leader Jim Jones was responsible for the suicide of over 900 members of his organization. () Enron was responsible for ruining the lives of How MANY flowerers, (and) employees and responsible for at least one dead. Its () that murder cannot be compared
the 30th of July, 2002. This act brought about many changes to corporate government regulations as well as the financial practices. The chief architects of SOX were US senator Paul Sarbanes and US Representative Michael G. Oxley. Organizations like Enron, Worldcom, Xerox, MicroStrategy, Sunbeam etc. have one thing in common. They all have gone through serious accounting scandals due to flaws in their corporate governance. SOX was enacted as a reaction to these scandals. The other reasons are: 1. For