Pros And Cons Of Enron

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It is true that the need for wealth can invite an individual to behave in less than tasteful behavior. Unethical accountancy practices, immoral persuasion tactics, and a culture that bred pure evil are simple ways to describe a cult-like organization; Enron is a great example of how the leadership and business practices can mimic that of a cult. Cult leader Jim Jones was responsible for the suicide of over 900 members of his organization. () Enron was responsible for ruining the lives of How MANY flowerers, (and) employees and responsible for at least one dead. Its () that murder cannot be compared to robbing people of millions there (End results) were the pinnacle of their crimes. Religious cults claim the leader is some kind of God so it…show more content…
And then again, I doubt murder would’ve been out of the cards for them either. Enron became a corporate cult by stripping away individualistic ideas by brainwashing its members, used money to influence criminal behavior, and power to control. Individualism & brainwashing The indoctrination into the United States Army is comparable to the Enron Corporation induction. Our individuality is based on our past experiences and background. A recruiter’s mission is to gain the trust of the potential candidate while () erasing their individualized thoughts. This form of cult brainwashing is (necessary) Enron did a great job of convincing its investors that there were no problems and Enron was doing better than before; even while their stock prices dropped by over 50% at one point. Enron had more than just a shady culture; they represented Hofstede’s five culture dimensions on steroids. The…show more content…
Not only did they spend millions on lavish parties and gifts, they made sure that their events were over the top; they …(EXAMPLES) But what was the real reason these dramatics were necessary? It is a fact that most people are (memorized). A kid from the streets, watching a drug dealer flash his money and ride in expensive cars, the new society of young adults who watch celebrity lifestyle’s and dream to be them or even a young girl with an eating disorder because she () to be the model on the front of the magazine. What is in common with them are the bells and whistles. The young kid doesn’t see the drug dealer’s life behind bars, the working class often doesn’t see the hard work and (issues) it takes to be a star and the magazine covers are deceptive in the fact that they are airbrushed and bodies are often not real in size. People are …about the bells and whistles. Perception…(Find book references). . The first level of an organizational analysis studies the individual (Book 5); It’s at this level all the way up to their social, economic and even ethical beliefs where an individual’s perception can be manipulated and controlled. There is only a slight difference between a regular cult organization and a corporate cult organization; the

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