The Pianist Thesis

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The Pianist Essay The Holocaust was certainly one of the most gruesome periods known to man. With over 11 million people killed, this was certainly one of the largest genocides of all time. Wladyslaw Szpilman was a young Polish Jew who lived in Warsaw during the Holocaust, and had firsthand accounts of all the death and torture happening around him. Through a concoction of talent, luck, and the kindness of his colleagues, Szpilman eventually escaped from the ghetto, and survived the Holocaust, with a lifetime worth of physical and emotional scars. In the memoir, The Pianist, written by Wladyslaw Szpilman, as Szpilman’s life progresses, a more brutal and horrific side of human nature is depicted. “Later we discovered that about twenty thousand people had died” (Szpilman 42). Clearly, the Germans were so blinded with their power; that they did not know how to use it. After Warsaw had surrendered, and Germany took control, German troops started bombing Warsaw resulting in an abundance of civilian casualties. The fact of the matter is that the bombing was unnecessary, and was a result of the sick humor felt by the Nazis. Theoretically, if the Germans wanted a decrease in population, a simple relocation would’ve…show more content…
The fact that there were so many bodies that a funeral was not feasible is disappointing. The SS were burning people that they did not even know, and it would take a large quantity of people for them to have to actually pile them up and burn the bodies instead of burying them. A much better solution would be to give the body to their family, so their family could arrange a proper burial. Seeing this vicious side of human nature can be scary because if humans have done this before, who is to say that they will not do it again? Burning thousands of bodies found on the streets is what illustrates the more sadistic side of the humans during the

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