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Research question: If keytouch is a factor in the change of timbre when playing the piano. Keytouch, the way performers press the key, is a essential part of piano performance. However, most of the research on keytouch is purely subjective, and there are controversies about the role keytouch plays in creating different sound effects. This paper focuses on two different kinds of keytouch and uses quantitative method, mainly spectral analysis, to discuss whether keytouch can have a noticeable influence
and how they interpret it based on several factors such as culture, knowledge, linguistic knowledge, contextual clues and its relevance to the readers. The main purpose of this research is to define how implied meaning is used in puns. Thus, the thesis will mainly discuss how implied meaning is used in puns and how it is manifested by providing several examples and methodologies used in puns. General information
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution was an era of extreme violence under the banner of a social-political movement. Following on from the Great Leap Forward after the death of in excess of thirty million people, Mao confronted a political backlash when facing unwilling self-criticism in the 7,000 Cadres meeting in the early months of 1962. The following few years saw a re-emergence of pragmatic theory from Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi which displeased Mao, eventually leading to a power struggle