David Susskind's Conversation Of Muhammad Ali In The US

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The film opens in London of 1968 on the set of the Eamonn Andrews show. Andrews introduces Muhammad Ali, who and questions Ali if he is a professional fighter. Without a direct answer, Ali states he is also a "minister of the religion of Islam." Andrews then introduces David Susskind, a white U.S Television Host, stating Susskind would like to ask Ali some questions. Instead of asking questions, the man insults Ali saying he doesn't find anything “interesting, tolerable, or amusing” about Ali. Susskind goes as far as stating Ali is a “disgrace to his country, his race, and his profession.” Because this was broadcasted on television, I can only imagine how Ali felt as this man disrespected Muhammad Ali for no apparent reason to the viewers. The clip did not show Ali’s response to the man’s opinion towards him, but it did show Ali taking the insults seemly well despite the semi-bitter facial expression he had. Based on the context of the 1960’s, I cannot imagine how Ali stayed strong through the constant put downs.…show more content…
A clip is shown where Ali is at the White House reviving the medal of peace from the president at the time, George W. Bush. At a glimpse of Ali, I noticed he did not smile or express gratefulness during the duration of the scene. When Ali was still known as his given birth name, Cassius M. Clay IV, he was crowned the Olympic Champion of the 1960. In the next few clips of the documentary, you get a sense of who he is as a person and his background. This is an ordinary guy who wanted to be a better person for himself. He wasn’t looking to impress others; he was just trying to figure himself out in the corrupt society. Like any other colored person who didn’t understand why they were getting treated badly for no explanation other than they weren’t Caucasian, Ali questioned why everything around him was

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