Ralph Chopin's Piano Music

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But how? And if they're supposed to be technical exercises, why do they need to be beautiful as well? Well, the young Chopin began composing his first set of Études (there are three sets in total) when he was still a teenager, so he was perhaps at a creative stage at which he keenly wanted to make an impression. Stephen Hough: Here the routine, arpeggiated figuration covering the span of an octave, (and covering endless pages of piano music of the time), becomes extended by two notes to a tenth, requiring a new technique of rotation. One could say, literally, that it becomes 'more than a handful'. No longer are the fingers alone sufficient to execute this passage; the wrist and arm have to be used, and thus Chopin 'elbows' his way to a new…show more content…
& Mikuli, C. (1987) Mazurkas. New York: Dover. Chopin, F. et al. (1988) Chopin's letters. New York: Dover. Czerny, C. et al. (1925) Die Kunst der Fingerfertigkeit. Leipzig: Peters. Dubal, D. (1991) Evenings with Horowitz. Secaucus, N.J.: Carol Pub. Group. Eigeldinger, J. (1988) Chopin: pianist and teacher. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Encyclopedia Britannica, (2015) Frederic Chopin | Polish-French composer and pianist [online]. Available from: http://www.britannica.com/biography/Frederic-Chopin (Accessed 27 September 2015). Forte, A. & Gilbert, S. (1982) Introduction to Schenkerian analysis. New York: Norton. Hough, S. (2015) StephenHough.com | Writings | Chopin and the Development of Piano Technique [online]. Available from: http://www.stephenhough.com/writings/selective/chopin.php (Accessed 27 September 2015). Korevaar, D. (2010) 'Chopin's Pedagogy: A Practical Approach', in MTNA National Convention. 2010 [online]. Available from: http://spot.colorado.edu/~korevaar/Chopin%20talk.htm (Accessed 27 September 2015). Lipke-Perry, T. (2008) Integrating Piano Technique, Physiology, and Motor Learning: Strategies for Performing the Chopin Studies. Doctor of Musical Arts thesis. The University of

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