The Perception In Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, he emphasizes that the forms and shadows the senses perceive are contrary to the reality and to what the mind sees. The strength of this allegory provide a great effect on the philosophical perspective of people. However, it does not imply that weaknesses are not included. Plato, through Socrates, discusses the world of senses, the people who philosophically resembles the prisoners, and the similitude between the cave and the world people know. Plato’s use of hypothetical scenario and dialogue make his argument strong and compelling. He begins the allegory by saying, “Behold! Human beings living in an underground den, which has mouth open towards the light… have their legs chained so they cannot move… being…show more content…
The senses are fallible. They can deform the mind’s senses, especially the mind’s eye. Our perceptions only recognize forms that are unreal, and objects that are unable to provide clarity and knowledge to one’s mind. The senses are also cunning because it is only relevant for an individual’s personal perspective and experience. Each person has their own way on how to perceive their so called “truth”. This is why often times, unenlightened people accept what only appeals to their body’s senses because for them, what they believe to be true is considered to be real. They are not informed enough that the objects they see, hear or feel are just imitations of their real intellect. In addition, the world of senses is brimful of misleading perceptions and objects that are only seen by the eyes, but not the mind. However, what lies above this cave is truth and clarity. As Socrates mentions, “power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already” (Plato 451). The people are naturally gifted with knowledge. All they need to do is take risk and discover the light that’s hidden behind this world. Their acceptance of the changes, which this light carries, is the only way for them to widely open their intellect’s senses and to correct their imperfect
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