Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

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This generation lives in a cave. We live in a cave where puppeteers control our only perception of reality. Plato’s allegory of the cave has a relevance in our modern society where individuals will never experience true knowledge. Plato and William Perry suggested that our knowledge has always been limited. However, they also suggested there are ways in which we can overcome these limitations. According to Plato, he described how objects we perceive on Earth are composed of ideas or forms. “A form is an eternal and perfect concept that is something that can be strived for but can never be achieved.” (Star Garden) Plato did not trust sensory information because he believed men would confuse reality with their imagination. A stick for example, can appear bent in water but when it is taken…show more content…
These include government, technology, stereotypes and religion. (FTHS World Humanities Blog) The most apparent example of Plato’s allegory in modern society is the government. It keeps the truth hidden from civilians and they are prisoners of the government. The media acts like puppeteers in which they tell us things we would want to believe. Advertisements today inform people what they should be wearing and what they should not be wearing. According to the media, only certain clothes are acceptable for fitting into society. Conspiracy theorists are people who have metaphorically left the cave. (FTHS World Humanities Blog) They always think the government is hiding us from the real truth. Once these conspiracy theorists tell the truth to others, individuals reject the idea because they believe the media has a stronger say. The reason why people are hindered from the truth is that they want to conform to society. They want to follow society’s rules so they can fit in and have ordinary lives. Individuals are coerced to make fake images of themselves to show that they can satisfy the needs of

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