The Pearl Metaphor

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In The Pearl by John Steinbeck, we see many forms of metaphors that symbolize character growth, traits, and foreshadowing for future events throughout the book. Subjects of such include; Kino's hand, the ants, the pearl, and the rifle. One of the main metaphors we see is Kino's hand. His hand represents what lengths he will go to for his family. In the beginning, he is all about protecting his family. He punches gates and pummels scorpions for them. "Then snarling Kino at it, he had it in his fingers, rubbing it to a paste in his hands...he beat it into the floor with his fist."(5-6). Slowly throughout the story, Kinos’ hands take on a darker more sinister form. He begins to ignore his family, only thinking about the pearl and the wealth it brings. He holds tight to the pearl, with false hope. He even beats his wife for attempting to take it from him. In the end Kino attempts to let go of the pearl, to stop the trackers from hurting his family. "And for a moment his palm lay on Coyotito's head. And then raised his hand and touched Juana's cheek..." (83). The last place Kino touched his son is what ended up getting completely demolished. We believe that the continuous presence of the shawl Juana uses represents her love for Coyotito. Juana uses the shawl in two very important ways. Throughout the course of the story, she uses the shawl to…show more content…
He pauses before talking, but he hopes for a rifle. He wanted to leave behind what he knew, start over using this pearl, and with it, own a rifle. In the end what he so desperately wanted ends up being the cause of death for his only son. It illustrated how the greed corrupted him. "...He saw Coyotito laying in the little cave with the top of his head shot away." (89) All the aspirations Kino had for his pearl were quickly destroyed when he realized what the pearl actually
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