The Killer Angels Research Paper

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The Killing Cost Some men are born to be leaders, while some may achieve a leadership position. Others have leadership thrust upon them. Regardless, these leaders are the guiding force which steers the ones they influence in a truthful direction. In order to function properly, mankind requires leaders, otherwise it’s arguments will prohibit anything from being accomplished. Although leaders are very beneficiary to unite a group of people, they also have the ability to sever people’s relationships. In his novel, The Killer Angels, Michael Shaara tells the stories of several Confederate generals while maintaining historical accuracy. One of these notorious generals is Robert E. Lee. As the overseer of his men, Lee’s position bestowed upon the Southern…show more content…
Lee, Confederate army commander, receives a non-flattering opinion from modern Americans. While many have knowledge that Lee was a Confederate general, they cannot equate this man as godly or an honorable leader. However, through Shaara’s historical story, astonishing aspects arise in Lee’s character. Suffering from physical ailments, Lee nobly suffers from a mild heart attack during the Battle of Gettysburg, yet he continues to guide his armies instead of resigning from his office. Fervently, Lee refuses to forsake his traditional tactics for Longstreet’s ingenious policies. With his obdurate tendencies, he also has a tenacity, which is an admirable trait of a general and leader. At a certain point in the Battle of Gettysburg, everything began to fell apart. Lee misconstrued information because of his desire to end the world, therefore he made ill-advised decisions. Yet, he was Longstreet’s superior, which required complete obedience. Longstreet disagreed. Taking it upon himself, he applied tactics to his division that counteracted Lee’s order. In the most crucial battle of the Civil War, division kept the generals from uniting their

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