Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 7 P4

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Marginalisation - The word marginalise is about placing an individual in a position of importance and marginalisation is where an individual, or a group of individuals is made to feel less superior to others. In a health and social care setting, no individuals should feel that they are less superior because of their background, sexual orientation or health status. Disempowerment - Individuals who feel discriminated against by other people or groups that are more powerful will feel disempowered. In some circumstances, the individual may be able to fight against the discrimination, yet many individuals don’t and lose the will to fight it. Therefore, as the result of this they may start to feel devalued, depressed and disempowered, which in time can lead to more serious health issues. Disempowerment is where individuals or groups…show more content…
Restricted opportunities - All types of discrimination can lead to a person not wanting to use a health and social care provision and this can result in an individuals health deteriorating. The discrimination may be by individuals, health organisations or in some circumstances the government. Low self esteem and self identity - Discrimination can result in individuals losing their self-esteem, and then experiencing negative self identity. Some individuals already have low self esteem before using the services and if this is the case then care workers need to work to improve their self esteem. Low self esteem can result in depression in the long term. Negative behaviours - Aggression or crime can be caused partly by people discriminating against others. If an individual lives in poverty and experiences discrimination then this can affect their behaviour. When individuals

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