Rule Of Law Dbq

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In order to be taken seriously, something needs to be considered “official.” Companies, non-profit organizations, schools, and states are officiated with documentation. At one point in the past, even our country was “officiated.” In fact, the country was established with quite a few documents. The Emancipation Proclamation, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Articles of Confederation, each one of these documents adding to the freedom and individuality of our nation. Amongst these important documents, probably one of the most outstanding and well recognized is the United States Constitution. This document has been considered the “backbone” of the nation by so many, and for good reason. The U.S Constitution was not just created in a day,…show more content…
The idea of having “rule of law” had to be discussed before it was put into the constitution. Rule of law is the concept that a nation would punish citizens, according to the law, who had broken the law. In oppose to punishments being decided by people. James Madison is quoted with saying “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.” By saying this, he means that, since no one is perfect, there is the need for a government to keep people in line and help to keep…show more content…
One rather large part of the Constitution was fought over. Those delegates who created the constitution were torn to two sides, federalists and antifederalists. Federalism, in itself, is the system of government where a nation is controlled by two different governments, one for the entire nation, and one for smaller subsections of the nation. In the United States’ case, those two governments are referred to as the “federal government, which controls the nation,” and the “state government, which controls individual states.” Out of the founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and George Washington were all in favor of a federal government. They thought that having a federal government would keep the country from enveloping tyranny, allow more participation from the entire country in the government, and to allow states to test new laws to see how they work out. Other delegates were opposed to the idea of federalism. They thought that a federalistic government would threaten certain liberties and fail to protect individual rights. It was finally decided that there would be a federalistic government, and that can still be seen to this day. There is the federal government, that makes laws for all of the United States, and then state governments. This is how you end up with some states, like New Jersey, having stricter gun laws that states like Florida. This is also where the federal

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