Analysis Of Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave

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The United States was created upon the ideals of freedom, yet it is ironical since slavery existed for many centuries. Frederick Douglass, and American slave, highlighted this situation in his work Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Composed by XI chapters, in the work he condemned his own experience as a slave. Nonetheless, he managed to transform his life from slave into a free man; contradicting what society intended. Throughout his narrative, the reader is able to observe different chiasmi that make them take a pause and focus on what Douglass is trying to express. Each of the chiasmus is placed in a strategic place in the story, which constitute an important moment in Douglass’ life. As it has been just stated, the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave is an important work since it showed the transformation or metamorphosis of the author. It is an autobiography in which Douglass takes the reader to his deepest and darkest moments, such as the whipping of his aunt, the separation from his mother, etc.…show more content…
However, in order to do so, other vital elements of the narration will be displayed so as to fully understand the influence they may had had. First of all, the main and most important characters will be described, as well as the relationship they had with the protagonist, Frederick Douglass. It is necessary to mention that not all the characters will be presented, but rather the ones that may have caused an influence on him. Then, the different places where the narration occurs will be exposed, making a contrast between them and analysing what those places

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