The Importance Of Death In Poetry

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Death is a part of life. It has many aspects. Death is shown in different ways in the three chosen poems. Everyone will face death at one point, whether it is a family member or a friend or even themselves. Death is one of the main turning points in life. Death is where we understand the truth of our life’s. Firstly by showing the effect of war through the eyes of a war photographer. The poem “War photographer” by “ Carol Ann Duffy”. While the poem “Mother In A Refugee Camp” by “Chinua Achebe”. It explores about the innocent victims of war. The mother has a strong relationship with her son. It shows the painful loss of a child. Then the poem “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight “ by “Dylan Thomas”. Dylan expresses the heart breaking reality of the loss of a parent. These poems show…show more content…
The structure of this poem fortifies this dichotomy in that there are two contrasting worlds: the world of war zones ("Belfast. Beirut. Phnom Penh.") and the more tranquil world of "Rural England". The war photographer is the man who interposes these two worlds. The safe world of England is betokened by the cliche of a typical Sunday: "The bath and pre-lunch potations" while the horror of war is expressed through much more startling language: "blood stained into peregrine dust." Felicitously for a poem connected with a Sunday supplement, colours are consequential in the poem. The atmosphere of the aperture stanza is virtually religious, with a biblical quote in line 6: "All flesh is grass", and the colours contribute to this: "darkroom the only light is red and softly glows". The colours move through "the blood" of stanza three to the congruously "ebony-and-white" of the final stanza's newsprint. The poem is not a simple as a reproval of the photographer; as the poet verbally expresses, "He has a job to do". The clue that he feels some emotion is in the second stanza where his hands seem to "tremble" as

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