The Importance Of Biomechanics

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Biomechanics provides quantitative and qualitative analysis measurements that provide an accurate means of identifying human movement factors. Biomechanical information provides a means to apply applications to human movement patterns for increased performance and injury prevention on and off the field. Changes in technique and exercise prescriptions are dependent on the biomechanics found in the athlete which is the dominant factor affecting human movement patterns. The squat exercise is one of the basic strength exercises used by athletics for strength training and rehabilitation. Biomechanical studies show the importance of proper squatting technique to reduce lower back and knee injuries. Kinematic variables can change the individual biomechanics…show more content…
Motor control through optimal muscular function and subsystems can mitigate the risk for knee-ligament and back injuries. Therefore, proper biomechanics of the squat movement patterns can successfully mimics the sporting pattern and prepare the body for external loading demands from the sport. The barbell squat is so universally accepted in weight training programs that the “National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) developed a position statement” on proper squatting techniques (Sato, Fortenbaugh, Hydock & Heise, 2013 p. 572). Truck orientation, feet and knee placements and external loads can persuade the athlete into improper biomechanics placement during the squatting patter. It is important for all participants conducting the squat movement to understand the biomechanics of proper form and make adjust when dealing with kinematic variables. The assessment of the biomechanical squat form will start with the spine and gradually work down the body to the hip and knees and ending with the ankles. Joint angles, torques, and compression forces will be discussed to identify the most effective mechanical movement…show more content…
The relationship between the unrestricted movement pattern and the knee joint-positions gives the test subject the ability to control loads that are imposed on the kinetic chain. An option for some athletes is to squat barefoot or with shoes. Speculation exists among athletes whom choose to minimal footwear during the squat movement pattern. Footwear can influence the squat kinematics based on ankle support and height of the heel. Minimal footwear has become the norm in most sports because it increases performance and reduces fatigue. The improvements in performance come from speculation that was “based on non-peer reviewed articles” (Sato, Fortenbaugh, Hydock, Heise, 2013 p. 572). The lack of footwear has been suggested to changes the kinematics of the squat movement pattern. A study was conducted to compare the squatting kinematics of shod and unshod conditions. Volunteers were members of intercollegiate athletic teams with prior experience in resistance training. They are free from injury and test their one repetition maximum and barbell back squat from proceeding with the study. Reflective markers were placed on the trunk segments in order to calculate angle and cameras recorded date that was dissected by video software. The squat movement pattern parameters involved barefoot and running shoes conditions tested on the

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