The Holocaust: The Night Of The Broken Glass

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The Night of the Broken Glass The Nazis killed over 11 million people, including 6 million Jews and 1.1 million children between 1930-1945. Before World War II the Nazis had become a feared group throughout Europe, and are responsible for The Night of the Broken Glass. The Night of the Broken Glass was an event in which the Nazis burned over 250 synagogues and destroyed over 7,000 Jewish-owned businesses. The Night of the Broken Glass took place on November 9, 1938, and gets its name from the glass that lay on the streets the next morning. Some sections of Germany even continued this pogrom for several more days (“The Nazi Terror Begins”). The Nazi’s blamed the start of The Night of the Broken Glass on the killing of a German…show more content…
At a party rally in 1935, the Nazis announced the new laws that would make Jews second-class citizens, and take away their right to vote. These laws defined somebody as Jewish if they had three or four Jewish grandparents, regardless of whether that they belonged to the Jewish religious community (Bachrach 12). The laws created at the rally in Nuremberg also prohibited Jews from marrying or having sexual intercourse with anyone with "German or related blood" (Bachrach 14). Throughout Germany, the Nazis revoked the licenses of Jewish tax experts, charged an average of 1.5% more to Jewish citizen going to colleges and universities, fired Jewish soldiers, and banned Jewish actors from performing (“Anti-Jewish Legislation in Prewar Germany”). Before the Night of the Broken Glass, the Nuremberg Laws were not as strictly enforced, but after the killing of the German ambassador of Paris, the Nazis enforced the laws with great…show more content…
With a rising number of Jews living in Germany, the Nazis did not want to see them, so they forced Jews to live in marked-off sections of the towns called ghettos (Bachrach 36). In Germany there was a large population of Jews that needed to be controlled, so they decided to isolate them into these ghettos. The Nazis, after conquering a new territory, chose a neighborhood in each town, to surrounded with barbed-wire fences. After designating a section of town to be surrounded with barbed-wire, Jews were forced from miles around to live there (Altman 156). During the winter Jews living in the Ghettos had a curfew of 8:00 p.m., but this was extended to 9:00 p.m. during the summer. This restriction would limit the amount of time for the Jewish citizens to converse about controversial topics such as escaping or rioting (“Work in the Concentration

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