Essay On The Rioter's Tale

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“Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other” in the words of Mark Twain, an American author. Ironically, Chaucer had created the rioter’s as sinners, without any respect or care. The Canterbury Tales was written by Geoffrey Chaucer in 1475 during the times of the hundred years’ war. The Pardoner’s Tale was a section of the prologue about the three rioters. The rioters were very greedy about money, which revealed their immoral views on life. The story of the Pardoner’s Tale reveals many moral aspects about the three rioters: killing for their own self gain, greed leading to death, and living as sinners. Fortune can cause men and women to have greed, which will lead to immoral decisions. The rioters had thought of wealth as a symbol of high-stature. Chaucer wrote…show more content…
The rioters had thought they trusted each other, but they were all wrong about each other. Chaucer states the rioters characteristics, “You thief[s] and liar[s]” (Chaucer 760). The rioters had been turned into thieves and liars after finding the fortune under the tree. The wealth led them to become liars and betray each other. This helps lead to the realization of the rioters having no intentions of being “a family.” All they ever wanted was the wealth. Similarly, greed will always be an issue when money is in the picture. The quality that brings the worst out of people is greed. Greed will eventually only lead to your own extinction (Wharton). Whenever wealth is in the picture this will only lead to greed, which will cause someone to get hurt. Instead of being greedy, helping out others will, also help you to become a better person. This proves that greed will lead to treachery. Also, this shows how and why the rioters because of their greed lead to killing their own brothers. Becoming too greedy can impact our values with our family; also can lead to poor

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