The Great Gatsby Comparison Essay

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The Great Gatsby exceeded my expectations in every way. The book written by F. Scott Fitzgerald is truly rich in detail and makes you feel like you are living in the 1920s. Director and Producer, Baz Luhrman did an excellent job creating a cinematic version out of the original lititure created by Fitzgerald. Being a person who learns better visually, I enjoyed the film much more than the book. Leonardo DiCapro (Gatsby) and Tobey Magguire (Nick Carraway) we're great choices of actors to play the roles of these intricate characters from the novel. At times they could make you feel like their talking to you and that your in the middle of the movie. The soundtrack of the movie, The Great Gatsby was well thought of and composed. Many of the artists whose songs Baz Luhrman used, were familiar to me. I thought it was interesting how it had a modern soundtrack when the setting of the film took place about 94 years ago. The mixture of a modern soundtrack and an old fashion setting were the best of both worlds. The modern soundtrack kept you eager to pay attention and watch the whole movie. As with many other books that were later made into films,…show more content…
This part never happens in the book. Another difference that I found was that after the party at Tom's apartment, Nick somehow got home and finds himself half dressed. In Fitzgeralds book, Nick stays at the apartment below Tom's, owned by one of the party guests from his party. The next morning, after he wakes up he takes the train back home. In the novel, Gatsby and Nick have lunch in a "well-fanned Forty-second Street cellar" (69) but in the film they go to a barber shop that has a secret entrance to an illegal club that sells alchol and has show

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