The Divine Command Theory Is Morally Wrong

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The Divine Command Theory proposes what is morally right and morally wrong comes from God. An action is right if God commands it and and action is wrong if God prohibits it. The reason for the Divine Command Theory is to provide the idea that objective moral laws require a law maker, a law maker that is nonhuman because laws made by human beings cannot be objective. Therefore, because objective laws must be written not by human beings, objective laws must have a law maker that is non human —God. The Divine Command Theory then tells us that God is the law maker that commands rightness and wrongness, and morality is dependent on his authorship. This brings up a dilemma when asked whether or not actions are morally correct because God commands…show more content…
What God commands would not be because He thinks it is right, but because He is enforcing morality for reasons that were stemmed from other than Himself. God would be basing morality of a code of conduct not of his own. What is morally right and morally wrong does not come from God which does not hold the Divine Command Theory. If God has a reason then those reasons are the deciding factor in commanding humans of what is morally ethical. This horn views that there is already a predetermined right and wrong, independent of what God tells us to do. Actions are already correct and God enforces them because they are what is morally right. If this horn is right, then it puts what should be deemed as morally right and wrong outside the hands of God and He would essentially be no different than humans in that both are subject to standards. This would pose as a consequence that God is not all powerful, but maybe another outside source is. Morality is no longer relied in the hands of God because the laws that He commands are derived from pre existing reasons not of His
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