Albert Einstein: The Theory Of Absolute And Universal Morality

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Albert Einstein, a famous German Theoretical-Physicist, said that “Morality is of the highest-importance, but for us, not for God .” Issues regarding morality have been debated upon for centuries, with many coming forth to input their thoughts on what morality entails. For Einstein, morality exists purely for mankind, while others such as John Locke believes God played a part in devising the set of moral rules. Although the origin of moral rules is still unclear, there is a more fundamental question: are there even moral truths to begin with? The theory of Absolutism states that there are some universal moral values that are absolute and eternal. Indeed, it is necessary for a universal set of moral values to exist, and while some are subject to debate, there seem to be already some absolute and universal moral values in place. Morality, after all, functions to ensure harmony and stability among people. In order for society to function, people must agree upon a certain set of ground rules to not break, especially so in the field of morality. In essence, there exist some universal moral values, while the others can be derived from the Social Contract Theory and the Natural Law Theory, which work together to give rise to…show more content…
One can then derive moral truths from these values, basing them on the Social Contract and Natural Law theory. As Einstein said, morality is of high importance, and exists to serve humans’ needs. Without morality, there will hardly be social order and with everyone acting without a moral guideline, it will be chaotic indeed! Hence, moral truths do exist, and only if people abide by these moral truths, be it already pre-existing or derived through social and intellectual means can there be a functioning society. We as humans are after all equipped with a conscience, and it is this trait that differentiates us from mere

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