Assess The Difference Between Nonconsequentialism And Act Utilitarianism

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Morality is defined as the beliefs concerning right and wrong, good and bad (Vaughn 3). These beliefs can include judgments, values, rules, principles, and theories. The subject of morality is extremely diverse and can differ among individuals. There are several different moral theories that can influence and define what morality means to someone. Theories of morality are typically grouped into two major categories. These are consequentialist and nonconsequentialist (Vaughn 69). A consequentialist theory states that an action is right or wrong based on its consequences. If quality of the action depends on how much goodness is produced as a result. On the other hand, a nonconsequentialist bases their decision not depending on it consequences.…show more content…
Of these is the most popular, utilitarianism. Utilitarianism states that the morally right action is the one that creates the most encouraging balance of good over evil, with everyone considered (Vaughn 69). This means that in a utilitarian mindset, you would choose the action that maximizes the good better than any other possible action. There are two types of utilitarianism (70). These are act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism. Act-utilitarianism states that the right action is the one that directly produces the most total good. They consider rules irrelevant and each situation calls for a new judgment of good over evil. On the contrary, rule-utilitarianism states that the right action is the one covered by a rule that if followed, would produce more good over…show more content…
It is also a very common example of a nonconsequentialist theory. According to this theory, everything in this natural world has a proper place and purpose. It also says that each of thing has a given role that was assigned by God. Overall, the natural laws replicate how the world is and also how it should be. The theory states that people are supposed to live based on these natural laws. They are to fulfill their natural purpose it the world and to act morally, they have to act naturally. Also, individuals are to carry out what they were created to do by

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