The Definition Of Knowledge In Plato's Meno

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in this paper i will discuss the argument that there are patterns within what is called ‘knowledge’, and as such the idea that there must be real and replicable qualities of knowledge in which all things called knowledge must share; a complex argument laid out and explained within Plato’s Meno. The main theme within Meno is the inability to accurately define virtue, without simply providing examples of what ‘a virtue’ is, something which socrates is adamant will not aid in the defining of virtue. this transfers to the issue of ‘what is knowledge’ in that it suggest that knowledge itself is definable beyond the ability to just outline how one may develop knowledge. the main points on which i have chosen to discuss are; the necessity of necessary characteristics of knowledge and weather this formula of knowledge is legitimate enough to always define knowledge. The verb ‘to know’ is ultimately subjective to the situation in which it is used. in one instance it may simply denote the acknowledgement of existence, whereas in another it may suggest a deeper and more complex understanding.…show more content…
It is obvious that “S knows that P” is not sufficient in defining knowledge, what is important is that S believes P, P is true, and that S is justified in believing P (JTB). This removes the need to acknowledge guessing or chance in knowledge, as to be justified in S’s belief they must have legitimate grounds to stand on. To count as JTB then justification must come in the form of a legitimate source (renowned professional), empirical evidence (seeing it yourself), and ultimately revolves around trust and legitimate

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