The Chosen Character Traits

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In the book The Chosen there are many amazing characters. One major character in the book is names David Malter. In the book he is the father of Reuven Malter. He is also a Jew, school teacher, and writer. Even though his effort towards fathering Reuven and teaching at his school cause him to be ill, he still works hard at everything he does. David Malter showed many different characteristics in The Chosen, but some of the most important ones were caring, respectful and responsible. In the beginning of the book David shows his love and caring toward Reuven when his eye gets hurt. He makes sure that Reuven is okay and checks on him daily. He also shows how caring he is when Reuven goes over to Danny’s house. Instead of getting angry he shows understanding and asks how the time went. Another caring action that he does included telling Reuven Danny’s past and ancestry. He takes the time to go into detail about the topic because he cares about what Reuven hears and what his opinion of the Saunders family is. Another characteristic that David Malter has can be named as respect. He shows this characteristic loads of times throughout The Chosen. A few of these times include helping Danny in the library, and talking with Reuven about the Saunders…show more content…
He shows this characteristic when at home, visiting Reuven in the hospital, and by making sure that Reuven doesn’t read. In the book Reuven constantly talks about how his father is in his office trying to finish up a paper or getting a presentation ready. He even puts his health at risk to finish his work. David also demonstrates his responsibility while visiting Reuven in the hospital. He had to take himself away from making sure that his son was ok to attend a meeting or teach his next class. Another responsible action that Reuven’s father does includes making sure that Reuven doesn’t read. David prevents his son from doing his school in order to let Reuven’s eye
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