Comparing The American Dream In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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Alannah Fitzmaurice Ms. Ingram 9HLA 30 Sept. 2015 The American Dream In Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie plan on pursuing the American Dream. What could possibly go wrong? During the Great Depression in California, people found reaching their dreams especially difficult. Many characters in the book dreamed about owning land and a house of their own, but these thought were only dreams. George’s and Lennie’s experiences and flaws support the theme from Robert Burns’ poem “To A Mouse” that dreams, even when well-planned, can easily fall apart and leave a person with nothing. George and Lennie’s meticulously planned dream was the one thing that kept them going through hard times. When George explained the dream to Lennie,…show more content…
The plan was on schedule to happen rapidly, therefore George was doing everything in his power to keep Lennie out of trouble. After leaving Weed because Lennie got the boys in trouble, George told Lennie, “‘You get in trouble. You do bad things and I got to get you out’” (11). Lennie could not help himself when it came to trouble. He got the two of them in trouble everywhere they went, because Lennie did everything from killing animals to scaring women. Lennie caused the dream to fall apart because he killed Curley’s wife, which forced George to kill Lennie furthering the destruction of the dream. After finding Curley’s wife’s body, George said to Candy, “‘I think I knowed from the very first. I think I knowed we’d never do her. He usta like to hear about it so much I got to thinking maybe we would’” (94). George, Lennie and Candy all convinced each other the dream was possible, when in reality George knew it would never happen. Lennie’s unintentional trouble making caused the dream to fall apart. Even the best plans can fall apart due to unforeseen flaws, leaving a person with nothing; in this case George, Lennie, and Candy were left with
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