Smart Grid Advantages And Disadvantages

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ABSTRACT The electrical grid has been called as the greatest achievements of the 20th century, but it now faces several new challenges like sustainability, energy security, reliability etc. Developed countries have a well-developed grid, and seek on improving it further, while the developing countries are still expanding their grids.[1] INTRODUCTION A smart grid is an electrical grid which works on automation, communication, and IT systems. They can monitor power transmission from points of generation to the points of consumption, and hence control the power transmission. The increased visibility, predictability, and even control of demand and generation bring flexibility to both generation and consumption, and enable utility to better integrate…show more content…
This is a particular threat in the winter, when homeowners can be left without heat. A smarter grid will add resiliency to our electric power system and make it better prepared to address emergencies such as severe storms, earthquakes, large solar flares, and terrorist attacks. Because of its two-way interactive capacity, the Smart Grid will allow for automatic rerouting when equipment fails or outages occur. This will minimize outages and minimize the effects when they do…show more content…
• Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems. • Better integration of customer-owner power generation systems. QUALITATIVE COMPARISON OF TRADITIONAL GRID AND SMART GRID Traditional Grid: • Consumers are uniformed and non-participative with power system. • Many obstacles exist for distributed energy interconnection. • Very limited wholesale market and limited opportunities for customers. • Poor response to power quality issues. • Vulnerable to malicious acts of natural disasters and terrors. Smart grid: • Consumers are well informed and active, demand to response and distributed energy resources. • Most of the distributed energy resources with plug and play convenience, focus on renewable energy sources. • Mature and well-integrated wholesale market for consumers, hence growth of new electricity market for consumers. • Power quality is a priority with a variety of price/quality options • Rapid resolution of problems. • High resistance to attack and natural disasters with rapid restoration abilities. ANATOMY OF SMART GRID Smart grid is composed of a million technologies that enable the precise measurement and communication of electricity production, transportation and usage, while providing responsiveness at each level from the consumer all the way to power
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