The Abrahamic Covenant

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When examining Old Testament characters, Abraham comes forth as very prominent and contributed a significant amount to the developing of the worldwide belief in God. Abram was one of Terah’s three sons; they originated in Ur, but eventually moved to Haran. Through the Genesis description of Abram, we learn that his wife, Sarai, is barren. This was a problem during this time period, because God planned for woman to bear children. When Abram was seventy-five, he was called by God to go on a faith journey. During this journey, God created the Abrahamic Covenant, which consisted of four parts: many offspring, a promised land, God’s presence to bless and curse, and blessings of all families. A problem arose from this promise that God granted Abram: Sarai was barren. God promised Abram many offspring, yet Abram’s wife couldn’t bear children. Abram and Sarai then sought out the assistance of Hagar, a slave. She became the surrogate mother to their first child, Ishmael. Later, God intervened…show more content…
In the climax of the Abrahamic narrative, God tests Abraham. The Lord said to Abraham: “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you” (Genesis 22:2 NIV). Through all the time spent waiting and waiting for Sarah to be able to have a child, both Abraham and Sarah were incredibly blessed by the grace of God to be able to have this child. Now that God asks Abraham to sacrifice all that, it becomes a pivotal part in Abraham’s life. He was faced with two options: obeying or disobeying. Abraham became a model for Christianity in this very moment; he agreed to sacrifice his son if it was the will of God. After seeing this obedience, the Lord stops Abraham last minute. This trust that Abraham displayed is the type of trust that us as Christians need to give

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