Texting In The Workplace: Case Study

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1. The writing that me and my peers practice everyday by texting, e-mailing, and instant messaging is different from what writing buisness professionals expect in a work place because of the texting language and abbreviation we use while texting our friends. Rather than in a workplace we use proper spelling and grammer, and use proffessional words. No, my employers will not benefit from informal writing because, in a workplace there is no room for errors while working with a Criminal Justice degree. You will put ah hold on important things because of the paperwork or even emails being sent to someone higher up will be unprofessional. 2. Name examples that illustrate the nonverbal cues we send by our use of time, space, or territory. How does our need for personal space or territory, for example, play out in the…show more content…
Not communicating with people you work woth or being rude to someone because you are uncomfortable. Our need for personal space or territory in a workplace only goes so far while at work. Everyone needs to show boundaries but also everyone needs to communicate in order to get through a good enviromental workplace. There is nothing wrong with getting to know one another, thats why we communicate to understand one anothers boundaries. 3. Listening skills are important to employees, supervisors, and executives because they are there to better you help or give you the insight on how the job needs to be done. If you do not listen than how will you know if an inportant task is being told that can effect your job in a huge way. Everyone should have important listening skills no matter where you are even if you are the supervisor. 4. What arguments could you give for or against the idea that body language is a science with principles that can be interpreted accurately by
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