Testra Company Case

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Telstra Company Management problem Lack of refined approaches to information acquisition, analysis and development of unique insights always leave many companies at a disadvantage making them lack long-term strategies. What product should we make? The product to be made should be one that that the customers want, so there is need to explore their preference to allow the production that can capture a market. What price should we charge? The price should be as a result of the cost of producing the service and the rates offered by other competitive companies providing similar products. From this a price amount of the product can be arrived at. How should we get the product to market? The management should start with the customers’ point of view…show more content…
The employees performance track should be the base of the promotion(Gershon, 2009),those employees who do things differently and show initiative and the desire to grow are the ones who should be promoted. What IT supplier should we use Telstra should use IT suppliers who have competitive and have value added capabilities and are leading edge providers of good services. The supplier's pricing of products should be reasonable and should be able to provide after sale service support so that they can give a solution whenever there is a defect in the supply (Sengupta, 2005). The IT suppliers should be one that has the capacity and reliability to fill the required order of the company without any delay (Montgomery and Porter. 1991). What advertising agency should we use? Telstra should use advertising agencies that design an advertising message that communicates with all the customers in the target markets. The agency should understand the various types of media and how they work in the public eye and be able to design and content to meet the needs of Telstra company and successfully appeal to the targeted customers. The agency members should have the ability to find and keep customers(Mathur, Mathur, & Kenyon,

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