Technology In William Gibson's Neuromancer

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Technology has made leaps and bounds throughout the past three decades. Furthermore, the advancement of technology does not look like it is going to slow down anytime soon. William Gibson’s “Neuromancer” is a science fiction novel published in 1984 that follows the life of a man in a post-print and highly technologically advanced universe. Gibson’s novel talks about many advanced technologies, which although fictional upon publication, are very real in contemporary times such as 3-D printing, human-technology modifications, and virtual reality. “Neuromancer” depicts a world that is so technologically advanced that it is now filled with chaos and despair. Technology development will bring great advancements, however as technology becomes more…show more content…
Case, who has stolen from his employers, has his nervous system taken away rendering him unable to hack. Case is approached by strangers who promise to give him his nervous system back if in return he promises to help them complete a job. Case agrees to help the mysterious strangers pull off the ultimate hack as they attempt to free the artificial intelligence, known as Wintermute. Gibson’s depiction of how technology would advance was very accurate. Gibson showcases the adverse effects of limitless computing power during a scene where Case sees a flyer promoting a place called Freeside. The novel reads, “It had never appealed to him. With his deck, he could reach the Freeside banks as easily as he could reach Atlanta” (Gibson 75). This quote shows that Case has a positive outlook on the abilities of technology but has lost his ability to appreciate some of the characteristics of the real world. The appreciation of experiences using technology as opposed to experiences with reality is a reoccurring theme in Gibson’s novel that reflects contemporary society where people would rather tweet, post a selfie, and blog than go outside and experience the
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