Tattoo Prejudice

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How does society feel about people with tattoos? In all honesty there is a lot of controversy behind them because of the lack of knowledge people have about the people that have them, and the tattoo artist’s themselves. People don't know the true history of the tattoo, they don't know how much prejudice people with tattoos face, and they don't know the true meaning behind why people actually get tattoos. That is why people with tattoos fall into a subculture and aren't on the main stream like everybody else that doesn't have a tattoo. So what is the history of tattoos and the people that get them? Well tattoos have been around for thousands and thousands of years, with the oldest human remains that where found where thought to be 5300 years…show more content…
this is because of the statement earlier made of the sailors, prisoners, and bikers that used to get the majority of the tattoos. These groups of people somewhat tarnished the name of anyone who had a tattoo. That is because back in their time those groups of people where the ones raising hell and commenting the majority of the crimes, therefore anyone with a tattoo got thrown into the same category with them. These thing is the prejudice formed because of those people still carry on today, at almost 45 years later. The prejudice now consists of being rejected from jobs because of having tattoos, being labeled as a criminal because of having tattoos, and also being labeled a drug addict because of just simply having tattoos. These prejudice people have no clue just what kinds of people they are but label them as those things simply because, when they where a kid their parents told them thats what people with tattoos where. Yes it still is more of the older crowd than the younger crowd that is more prejudice towards tattoos and that is all because of the way they where brought up. The older people where raised to do that kind of stuff to your body and that it is bad. Where as the younger crowd was raised to be more excepting and reasonable with people and their decisions. Prejudice against the subculture has been around since the beginning and will always continue to be their…show more content…
Many people miss interpret people with tattoos as gang members or as a menace to society. In all actuality people get tattoos for many different reasons other than just to represent a gang they are in, although some people do get tattoos for gangs. Most people however get tattoos first and foremost because they love art, and that all tattoos are is pics of artwork on a human canvas that is pretty much permanent. People also get tattoos for sentimental purposes; for example, the loss of a loved one is a main reason why people get tattoos. That reason alone makes tattoos to people really, really special and have deep meaning to them. One other reason that people get tattoos that not many people hear about is to cover up injuries that have affected the persons skin. Yes people get tattoos to cover up injuries but yet they are still judged by others and associated with crime all because they have a pice of artwork on their body. People also get tattoos to show just how they are as a person. Tattoos really allow someone to be able to convey a message to others of just what type of person that they are and what they are interested in. So yes tattoos do have deep meanings to people and aren't all about crime and gangs, and are more about life and passion and the will power to show the world what kind of person they are on the
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