Pricing In Marketing

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Pricing strategy for 4-wheeler mini-truck – Atul Maharaj Pricing in marketing is the pursuit of identifying the price optimum for a product. This strategy is combined with the other components of the marketing mix known as the four P's (product, place, price, and promotion) as well as market demand, product characteristics, competition and economic arrangements. The pricing strategy tends to be one of the more critical ingredients of the marketing mix and is focused on generating revenue and ultimately profit for the company. The success in pricing strategy is heightened with coherence on market atmospheric condition, an understanding of the consumers’ unsatisfied desire and the monetary value that they attach to it. Pricing strategies Market…show more content…
The introductory prices are kept low with an intention to gain the attention, loyalty, and market share of the customer base and penetrate the market quickly and deeply. Once market share has been captured the firm may well then increase their price. Following this strategy, company makes more, but less profitable sales. Typically, this strategy is prevalent in service offerings, such as cable or Internet, in which the provider offers attractive pricing to increase the market share and then subsequently increases the price after the promotional…show more content…
small-medium businesses as their average yearly usage exceeds 36,000 KMS/ 40,000 KMS (in case of Maxximmo) o Therefore, the impact of this is not taken into account Mileage In the absence of cost info. of the competitors, their price is taken as a benchmark for value based adjustment and higher of the resultants is taken into consideration • Cost plus
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