Tackle Football Research Paper

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Competitive sports have been proven to be very beneficial in the development of young children. A great example of this would be tackle football. From the pure enjoyment of the game, to the ability for a child to learn discipline, many people would agree that tackle football is rewarding for young children, specifically those age twelve and younger. However, are these minuscule rewards worth the substantial risks? Tackle football may bring players a temporary pleasure, but it leaves almost all with a long term pain. Headtrama has become a very prevalent consequence of this "carefree" and "fun-loving" sport. Christopher Filley, from the University of Colorado, and Charles Bernick, from the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo for Brian Health stated; "Seventy percent of all football players in the U.S. are younger than 14 and that players between ages 9 and 12 are exposed to an average of 240 head impacts in a single football season." Tackle football is too dangerous for young…show more content…
Deborah Netburn, a writer ate the Los Angeles Times stated, "Researchers fond that NFL players who started at started playing tackle football t the age of twelve performed an average of 20% worse on a series of cognitive test..." The brain is one of--if not the most--vital organ in the body. If a sport is preventing the brain from functioning as it should, than that sport is too dangerous. The brain is very sensitive organ that is protected by a thick and almost indestructible skull. However, after fer being hit on multiple occasions, the brain begins to deteriorate. As cells are lost, specifically those that cannot reproduce, memory loss and mood swings begin to occur. These are some of the many consequences of tackle football on the

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