Harriet Jacobs Enslaved Women

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In the 1860s, Harriet Jacobs published her story to appeal to women of the North. She talked specifically about being enslaved, being a woman, and being a mother. Being a mother and being enslaved tied in together once I read her autobiography myself. Jacobs was born in Edenton, NC in 1813 to Delilah and Elijah Jacobs. Being taught things of moral value, Jacobs's motherhood motivated her to escape slavery in the South. Being a mother with her experiences as an enslaved woman, raising her children in that environment, and her relationship with her children are the things I plan to touch on the most. Women in the North should be exposed to know what is going on to the women in the South. The way that Jacobs talk about it is through becoming free from all that she had to deal with in the process of her enslavement. Her experiences as an enslaved woman made it harder for her to be a mother. This is evident in the text when she writes, "… she sat under the window where I was at work, crying that weary cry which makes a mother's heart bleed. I was obliged to steel myself to bear it." (Jacobs 199). In this scene, the pain she felt as a mother was intense. To see her child in this state, her motherhood morals were questioned. Should she have stayed and catered for her while expected to take care of her…show more content…
Jacobs’s values as a mother are what made her free. Some say that Harriett needed a more physical outlook along the lines of actually standing up for herself but I see Jacobs as just as strong. She had to keep playing it as smart as she did because she benefited from it in the end. Her giving up never was an option. I think that Jacobs was more of a mother than a slave and her instinct for survival was tested and she did nothing more but pass. A mother knows

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