Native American Mascots

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In the novel The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian written by Sherman Alexie, readers are informed of the controversy Native Americans are subjected to. Junior is born on a reservation and as he is about to begin high school, he chooses to attend a predominantly white school to receive more opportunity. Readers develop a response to his numerous issues, to realize that he has made the right choices. Reason with infused history to explain these connections are the choice of education, sports mascots and alcoholism. By reading the book in depth we start to understand and develop connections between the absolutely true hardships Native Americans face: a result of colonization. Education has always allowed a certain knowledge to people…show more content…
Many sports leagues in the United States depict legendary Native American as the face of franchises. According to Sherman Alexie on the issue of represented Indians, “The hero must be a half-breed, half white and half Indian, preferably from horse culture” (Alexie). Most franchises chow Native American chiefs or tools used by the natives on logos. It seems to ordinary people that this is offensive, in depth you see that none of the mascots are of regular Native Americans. These logos depict a different kind of Indian. One that is a warrior, the true face of fear. Reardens mascot is a Native American. As Junior faces his new school, it is hard for him to show pride when they are using a fictional character from his culture. As a new era of the world started to change. Both the U.S and Canada started to rid Native Americans of their ways. It was if the had fallen into a reciduism of what the previous dictators had done to them. Now these two countries are using figures of power that the government was unsure about. In a way they are contradicting themselves, or their government's decision. If Native Americans are getting the sympathy of government then it might lead to a fix in other problems including…show more content…
This intoxicating liquid is used to accompany people through events of celebration, mourning or everyday life. Like anything, this substance is fine in moderation. If you are under the influence your judgement is clouded. The long term effects of this liquor can cause liver and brain damage. Relevant to Juniors story, his whole family had been affected by alcohol. Juniors father is considered an alcoholic, so Junior puts up with the struggle of all the families money going towards this liquid. Junior’s Uncle Eugene, Grandma and his sister, Mary’s, death have all revolved around alcohol. As Junior thought that this intoxicant was the cause of all his hardship, “He could have spent that five bucks and stayed drunk for another day or two. But he saved it for me” (Alexie 151). Junior, referring to his dad as “he”, realized that an ongoing problem for his people will be alcohol. Readers know that the situation could be worse, but Juniors father is involved meaning he cares about his appearance to his son. Alcohol is used as a way to escape society for many people, including Native Americans. At a point in time, this land all belonged to the natives. These people became known as Indians because Europeans had thought they had landed in Asia, to only realize they were wrong. We hear the stories about harsh treatment of Native Americans, everything taken by colonists. As if the

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