Summary Of Tis Pity She's A Whore

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In This excerpt from Tis Pity She’s A Whore, Giovanni is confessing his love to Annabella, by setting her apart from other girls, stating how good her forehead is and how exceeded even the goddesses. Not caring about how he is her brother, they both go to their chamber as the scene concludes. In this scene, John Ford makes use of several Stylistic features such as metaphor, allusion, mythological allusion, simile, and Foreshadowing to create relate to characters, plot and thematic development. Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: Allusion and Mythological allusion are both used to create relationship between characters to develop plot and theme. Examples: 1. “The poets feign I read, / That Juno for her forehead did exceed / All other goddesses: but I durst swear / Your forehead exceeds hers, as hers did theirs.” (1.2.176): This is a mythological allusion where Giovanni compares Annabella’s forehead to that of the goddess Juno, meaning she is more beautiful than the goddess herself. 2.…show more content…
“Such a pair of stars, / As are thine eyes, would (like promethean fire, / If gently glanced) give life to senseless stones.” (1.2.176): This is another mythological allusion said by Giovanni to compare Annabella’s eyes to promethean fire when glazed upon, in other words saying they are beautiful and passionate. These two examples of stylistic features show Giovanni expressing his love for Annabella which in turn helps Giovanni secure his place with Annabella and move them along their path until the inevitable

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