Sushi Zanmai Case Study

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• Based on Lee (2013), the employees of Sushi Zanmai need to be trained in a very discipline and good ways to serve customers. Employees need to have an ability of able to recognize returning customers and connect with their personal basis in order to make them feel like a valued customer. Sushi Zanmai also treats its employees as a family. However, there is no obvious evidence that it has any online engagement with its employees. BenefitsPro (2013) stated that new media such as Facebook, Twitter or other social media can be used to improve communication between an employer and its employees, as well as employees and their co-workers and even customers. Therefore, Sushi Zanmai should provide more social media platforms in order to communicate…show more content…
However, in Sushi Zanmai, there is no evidence said that they have used media to have any online engagement with their shareholders. Therefore, based on Basu (n.d.), she mentioned that the management may use the media, internet, investor conferences and others to reach the investment community. Senior executives of public companies routinely grant interviews and contribute to corporate blogs to explain corporate actions to investors. Moreover, a comprehensive investor relations website is a simple way to communicate up-to-date information, such as financial reports, audio recordings of earnings conference calls and details of corporate governance policies. Thus, Sushi Zanmai can have a comprehensive investor relation website for their shareholders. Furthermore, Sushi Zanmai can use websites to update latest information to their shareholders like showing company further plan, how company financial, how much company earn, in order to secure their shareholder to keep invest or attract others to invest in Sushi Zanmai. According to Trowers & Hamlins (2014), company can use social media to improve the investor relations by paying attention to the idea of company’s shareholders and respond to their concerns. In addition, Sushi Zanmai can invite the shareholders to suggest their own opinion or idea for…show more content…
It has become a common sight except for the opening time. There also have a few big brands in Kaiten sushi restaurants in Malaysia. Most of them are doing quite well and still have their niche and customer based. Therefore, new media is an effective way to engage their customers in order to compete with others competitors. According to the Sklar (2013), the Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) has mentioned that business who fail to realize social media's potential for customer interaction and customer retention are being left behind. On Twitter, Facebook and even on Instagram, brands are now being discussed and dissected, companies' stories are being subverted and inverted. Consumers and sales prospects are interacting with the company in myriad ways across multiple touch points in this new interactive economy. Nowadays, customers become more empowered, they expect companies to give them what they want and how they want it. Therefore, in the era of always-on customer, social media is a primary channel for customer engagement. Customers are truly engaged when they feel known and this is what the best use of social media can achieve. So, to improve the reputation of Sushi Zanmai, social media is one of the tools that can’t lack of. Sushi Zanmai come out with Facebook and Twitter to interact with the public. Due to social media is a primary channel for customer

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