Supreme Court Case: Lethal Force

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Lethal Force In 1985, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Tennessee v. Garner (471 U.S. 1) placed limits on law enforcement involving the use of deadly force. The U.S Supreme Court ruled that deadly force may only be necessary to inhibit the escape and law enforcement officer has probable cause to consider that the fleeing the suspect does poses a substantial threat of serious injury or death to the officer and or others. Essence, this gave the police authority for the usage of firearms or deadly force of other means to anyone who has been suspected of a felony. A number of states allowed law enforcement officers by means of law to fire their guns on persons running from Law enforcement, including individuals suspected of offenses including;…show more content…
I was also interested in knowing more about the body cameras and how they would affect the front lines. Plus since he was wearing one I wanted to pick his brain on how he felt about the use of the body camera he was using. When I was in his class, he talked about police misconduct, as well as hot topics in the news since it was a field and operations class. It was an interesting experience in being able to interview a former teacher and being able to meet on the job during a break and being able to see the different side of him. For the most part this assignment has taught me a lot about law enforcement and the direction that I have wanted to go in since I was a kid. This assignment has kind of solidified the direction I am going in and it was a refreshing reflection to stop and smell the roses as some would say. Being able to talk to a police officer one on one also provided me with better knowledge on what officers deal with on a day to day operation, I was also given great advice on the dues and don’ts as far as police officer stress management and things to counter stress such as staying active and keep a positive attitude. The last thing that I was able to get out of this assignment was to be given the advice to marry someone who knows what they are getting themselves into and it was stresses very much because that was one of the leading factors to divorce. All in all, the project was a positive and a must for someone going into law enforcement so they can have doubts answered and figure if it’s something they want to

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