Summary: The Vitiligo And The Russian

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The Vitiligo and the Russian There was a young girl, about the age of seventeen, who lived in the town of Moscow, Russia, though she herself was from the capital of the neighboring country of Georgia. Her name was Ruth-Anne Lali Jordania, or Ruthie for short, she had just moved to Russia recently, her parents were both from different countries. She was a small auburn red headed girl, with nicely colored bright blue eyes. Her mother, Helen, was from Athens, Greece and her father, Sadik, was from Ankara, Turkey, they both met in Georgia, where Ruthie was later born after they had gotten married. They lived in Georgia for a while, that was until their daughter started to get teased by other students in the high school because her skin condition, vitiligo started to make itself apparent. This is a story about not judging a book by it’s cover, or in other words, don’t judge someone by their skin tone or color. Anyway, back to our little story. It was Ruth-Anne’s…show more content…
It was also a good thing that she understood Russian to actually know what Ivan said to her in his native language, the simple words of ‘I love you Ruth-Anne’ in his native tongue really brightened her day up. Ruth gladly returned the favor and told him that she loved in return for his lovely words. By the time that her parents went into see what was taking them so long, they found the two sharing their first kiss with each other and her mother couldn’t help but take a picture of her daughter having her first kiss with her best friend there in Russia. Ivan and Ruth-Anne lived happily after, but this just goes to prove that everyone is beautiful in their own unique way, even if they don’t seem like they are. Just ask Ruth-Anne she would tell you her story of her struggles with getting made fun off because she wasn’t beautiful

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