The Importance Of Google

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In this generation, most people turn to the Internet for help on several things, especially in studies, jobs and in business. Internet or Social media has a wide system that makes it convenient for each one of us who needs deeper explanation about something. Google is one of the main site that many of the people usually use as a guidelines, ideas and most importantly source of information. Furthermore, Google has a large contribution in terms of World Wide Internet. Students rely on it instead of books and other resources. Google is very influential nowadays because it provides anything you need to know about something, seeing that Google is a very popular source of ideas and information. According to Statista Website (2016), the Philippines had a 59.2% internet users. Students use the internet to search and gather information and one of the most helpful sites that can be used as a search engine is Google. As stated by Michael Dougherty (2010), Google is possibly the world’s largest and the most precise search engine. He also stated that Google search has a wide variety of information. Additionally, he said that this search engine has a…show more content…
It helps people in many ways. It makes people’s life easier by making things in an easier and faster way and making the word smaller. One of the most successful innovation in technology is the computer, which is used for us to access the internet. Many use the internet, especially students, people looking for a job, or a business man who needs ideas or further information regarding something. All of which can be done by Google. Google serves as a guideline, and source of information and ideas. The researchers wanted to study this because, in this generation, students always rely on the internet when searching information. Many of the students nowadays just copy and paste a certain information, they don’t read it and rephrase it. Also, most of the students nowadays don’t read
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