Summary: The Old Man Who Read Love Stories

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Gray is a mixed color of black and white, which is similar to Antonio Jose Bolivar’s life. In the book The Old Man Who Read Love Stories by Luis Sepulveda, Antonio is a widower who lived part of his life with love and another part trying to find it. Black and white are both colors that are able to explain to us that his life is neither of those colors, but it is mixed to make his true color gray. Antonio is introduced to us in the beginning of the book where he is living with the Jibaros who were natives rejected by their own people the Shuar Indians. The color black is very dark and absorbs light. Antonio sits back and watches what people do. He is in part like the color black. Absorbing all that is around him and everything that is going on. For example, when the Shuar brought the body of a young man that had been killed the mayor believed that one of the Shuar had killed him. Antonio had been watching from the back and absorbing what was going on until he spoke up said, “I’m sorry. You’re talking…show more content…
Antonio’s intelligence and knowledge of different situation’s shows us that he has positive influences in his life. He was able to solve a murder, which although is seen as being a dark time Antonio proves his intelligence and knowledge of situations such as this one and how he can help save an innocent person. It shows the positive in his life of being well known and liked throughout his village. Antonio does not let people walk over him. He stands his ground when necessary, but also sits back and absorbs what is going on. He is neither black or white, but a mix between making grey. When Antonio’s wife died, he could not return to his village in the mountains. The poor forgive everything but failure. It was a dark time in his life and was very negative proving he had black in his life and not everything was

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