Summary: The Model Universal Design For Learning

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The Model Universal Design for Learning (UDL) lesson plan that I chose to highlight is titled “The Life Cycle of Butterflies, Day 1” (CAST, n. d.). This lesson plan is part one of a two day instructional plan. The butterfly lesson focuses on grade levels pre-k through second grade and the subject area is science. During the model UDL lesson plan learners will explore the life cycle of butterflies and how they differ from other animal species (CAST, n. d.). Students will engage in a broad range of learning experiences and they will have a choice of options to demonstrate and express what they have learned in conclusion of the learning experience. The butterfly UDL model is planned according to Common Core State Standards and clearly identifies…show more content…
Educators must plan ahead to meet the needs of all students. Therefore, teachers must engage students using multiple means of representation. According to the National Center on Universal Design for Learning (2014) “learning, and transfer of learning, occurs when multiple representations are used, as well as between, concepts” ( During the butterfly UDL lesson plan the instruction is designed with alternative representations such as visual, linguistic, kinesthetic, naturalistic, existential, and, etc. During the anticipatory set students engage in a class discussion and share their thoughts and ideas about the life cycle of different animal species. During the group discussion students are enabled to listen to their peer’s perspectives and gain new insights. The teacher also engages students during a shared reading of the book “Watch me Grow, Butterfly” by Lisa Magloff. As the teacher reads the book and asks open-ended questions she engages and reaches students that prefer auditory learning. The teacher also ask students to write the name of particular stages they discuss during the reading. This learning opportunity appeals to the visual and kinesthetic learners. The UDL model lesson plan introduces and models new information by using pictures that illustrate life cycles and it showcases a video film about butterfly life stages. According to the National…show more content…
During the anticipatory set students are allowed to verbally express their thoughts and ideas after engaging in the brainstorming and discussion session. Young learners also express themselves through manipulative art experiences as they return to their work stations and draw their interpretation of what the life cycle of butterflies look like. Having students work in small groups to share their drawings is also a means for learners to take action and express what they have learned. The butterfly model UDL lesson plan provides a variety of options for young learners to express their understanding of the stages of the butterfly life cycle. Students have a choice of making a book, writing, creating art, or a graphic organizer. Each learning center is equipped with abundant tools and materials such as: paper, markers, crayons, pencils, a word processor with text-to-speech, glue, scissors, a computer, computer drawing programs, and graphic organizer

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