Summary Of The Book 'Green' By Laura Peyton Roberts

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1. According to literary sources, a quest is recognized as a given reason to go there, challenges and obstacles along the way, and a period of self-discovery. In the book Green, by Laura Peyton Roberts, Lilybet must embark on a dangerous quest to keep her memories after being kidnapped by leprechauns. It is revealed to her that her grandmother was actually the keeper, or bank teller, of the leprechaun clan of Green. Initially, she must overcome the three trials given to her to prove her worth if she will be allowed to keep her memories of her grandma. A series of challenges are thrown at her, such as opening a very important cave in which her blood acts as the key, catching a very dangerous fairy and asking for a wish, stealing a bag of…show more content…
For example, in the book The Hunger Games, a rain shower is used as an archetype of isolation, hopelessness, pessimism, despair, in a fatalistic sense. “On the afternoon of my encounter with Peeta Mellark, the rain was falling in relentless icy sheets. I had been in town trying to trade some threadbare old baby clothes of Prim’s in the public market, but there were no takers.” (Collins 28) Rain could also be used as an archetype for light, rebirth, hope, renewal, creation, resurrection, and sterility. More often than not, weather is more than just weather. It is used as symbolism for setting the scene to create a mood. The following quote is illustrated as the negative use of the archetype water. “The rain had soaked through my father’s hunting jacket, leaving me chilled to the bone. I was shaking so hard I dropped my bundle of baby clothes in a mud puddle. I didn’t pick it up for fear I would keel over and by unable to regain my feet.” (Collins…show more content…
Often times illness is more than just an illness, it has a hidden truth, a true meaning about it. The author will often be ambiguous about the origin of the disease, such as Newt’s disease, The Flare, was from the sun. However, the lack of information leaves our imaginations free to roam. More often than not, death is a metaphorical phrase. It’s meant to strike down in the heart of the hero, to have a lasting affect on them so that they may be led to a greater purpose. Elizabeth March, the third of four sisters, died of Scarlet Fever at a young age, and was known as the wisest and kindest March sister. Beth’s death strongly affects her sisters, her self-sacrifice and her replete sense of optimism, always bringing out the best in them. Newt’s death, although somewhat gorier and barbaric, is more or less the same as metaphor as Beth’s death. Newt was affected by a sickness called The Flare, which slowly ate away his insanity until he was nothing more than a living corpse. He died when he saw one of his best friends, and pleased to be put out of his misery. “‘Kill me!’ And then Newt’s eyes cleared, as if he’d gained one last trembling gasp of sanity, and his voice softened. ‘Please, Tommy. Please’” (Dashner 250) In literature, death is used as a metaphorical tool, and a revealing tool. Being able to witness a character in their last moments says a

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