Victory Stele Of Naram-Sin Analysis

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Iconography, in the context of art, is known to be “pictorial representation” of gathered images exemplifying a theme ( According to Stokstad and Cohren, iconography is “identifying and studying the subject matter and conventional symbols in work of art.” (595). Therefore, this suggests that a piece of iconographic art can denote both the content and subject through presenting a visual evidence of a historical event. A very clear example of iconographic art is the Victory stele of Naram-sin. A stele is an “upright stone slab” often inscribed with text or relief carvings (Stokstad and Cohren, 598). This piece illustrates the royal art of the Akkadian Era as it celebrates the feat of the King Naram-sin against the mountain people (Louvre). Nevertheless, this essay will entail formal and contextual criticisms and some comments on the art piece – Victory Stele of Naram-Sin.…show more content…
This stele is about 4,200 years old and was made in 2254-2218 B.C.CE. (“Victory Stele of Naram-Sin,” YouTube). According to Stokstad and Cohren, it stands 6’6” tall and was carved using pink limestone (32-33). This old relief scripture depicts the Akkadian victory over the Lullubi people, also known as the mountain living people. The latter group of people were known to be inhabitants of eastern mountains in Mesopotamian region. Originally, this slab was found at Susa, the modern day Shush, Iran instead of Mesopotamia. The Victory Stele of Naram-Sin was made at the center of the Sun God Cult in Sippar village at Shush, Iran (Libby). Historically, the stele was known to be brought by the Elamite king Shutruk-Nahhunte at Iran in the 12th century BC. It was obtained along with some treasures during their victory campaign in Babylon (Louvre). Currently, this piece is kept at Louvre Museum in

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