Summary Of Forgive Me My Worm By Rene Salaña

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I really enjoyed reading Rene Saldaña’s online essay “Forgive Me My Bluntness: I’m a Writer of Color and I’m Right Here In Front of You”. Back in grade school I was never introduced to any author from the Rio Grande Valley. The day I read “The Tequila Worm” was the first day I was introduce to an author that was originally from McAllen. Knowing that the book I was reading was from an author originally from where I was from made me have more interest in it. I’m really glad this course has introduced me to Hispanic authors. I believe just like Rene Saldaña said there are many Latino authors we just need to find them and introduce them to the kids. I think that if we introduce Hispanic authors to our kids they will enjoy it a bit more at a younger

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